The Dao

The Dao (Tao) translates as the way, as in a path or road ahead. In the philosophy of Daoism and other Chinese systems of thinking, it is the way of nature, a path to be followed and the course along which things progress. In Daoism the Dao cannot be controlled, diverted or influenced, and to attempt to do so only causes problems. The Dao does not represent a divine intelligence, or is represented by any persona, whilst it is a creative force it does not act with intention.

These principles of the Dao and of Daoism are set out in the Daodejing (Tao Teh Ch'ing) reputedly the work Lao Tzu "The Old Master" a contemporary of Confucius in the 5th centaury BCE. Set out in 81 brief cryptic chapters, the Daodejing - "The book of the way and its power" Is a guide to living, leadership and nature. The themes of the book are:

The Daodejing is liberal and eco-friendly manifesto from two and half millennia ago, arguing for a society that cares for the poor, does not revel in war, whose politicians avoid a high profile, and one which preserves the natural world.

In the centuries that followed the compilation of the Daodejing, Daoism split into the philosophical and the religious. With organised religions being formed, these Daoist sects found within the text guidance for their pursuit of immortality and the book as an object, acquired sacred significant similar to that of the bible and Lao Tzu himself was elevated to the pantheon Chinese deities. The vocabulary and meditation techniques of the internal alchemy practiced by these cults are found later in Tai Chi and Qigong theory and practice, as are many of the notions descried in the Daodejing. The book advocates softness, "Even the hardest sword against water is no avail" chapter 4, "That which is soft supple my overcome the hard" Chapter 36, along with the concepts of yielding, stillness overcoming motion, finding balance and a centre.

Further Reading Stan Rosenthal's Translation of the Tao Te Ching

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching (Chinese Popular Classics)

The Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet (Wisdom of Pooh)

The Book of Chuang Tzu

Texts of Taoism, Volume 1 and 2: 1

The Elements of Taoism (Elements of ...)

Understanding Taoism

Way of Chuang Tzu (New Directions Paperbook)

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Duncan Stonebridge
M: 07740 642457
Registered Instructor with the
Tai Chi Union For Great Britain

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